How to Get Someone to Share Their Mushroom Spots

If you have been in the shrooming community for any length of time you have probably realized that getting somebody to divulge their mushroom spots is about as easy as passing a kidney stone the size of a golf ball. Mushroom hunters are very secretive about where their hotspots are, almost all mushroom hunters will give you their general tips but they will be as talkative as a clam if you ask them the city they hunt near.

1. Be Understanding

Mushroom hunting much like hunting for game animals is a skill, it takes a long time to develop the instincts and knowledge to recognize the habitat and conditions that are conducive to large numbers of the specific mushroom they are after. These people work year after year in order to find the best spots and probably have many people asking where their mushroom spots are. Be understanding of the fact that they have worked their asses off for their spots and that they may not want to give them to strangers.

2. Make Friends

Don't be a jerk, don't assume that people should tell you about where they harvest mushrooms. Mushroom hunters are a very friendly and excepting community but they are often approached by people who actually have no interest in being friends and just want to know where they hunt. Try and connect with people, it doesn’t have to be superficial. As a hunter I often contact people who have land, I never start by asking permission because IT DOES NOT WORK. People see through this, making relationships is not a chore, this is something that can benefit both of you. Friends help friends.

3. Give Something in Return

Mushroom spots are not a one-time gift, often times with mushrooms they will return year after year. You need to give these people something that is equally valuable and long lasting. For example, if you expect somebody to give you their mushroom spot you may offer a fishing honeyhole. If you’re new to this you may not realize that mushroom hunters keep their spots more secret than an Italian grandmother’s recipes.

Hint for Beginner Morel Hunters

Join the Washington State Morel Hunters Facebook Group; I am in no way affiliated with the group, I am a member and it is very helpful. This group is very generous about locations and elevations to find morel mushrooms. If you want to find large quantities of morels you should probably looking in burns (old forest fires). OnXmaps is an excellent app where you can download maps and there is a filter that shows previous forest fires. 1-3 year old forest fires are extremely productive for morels but you may have to wander off the trail in order to find large numbers.